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  譯文來歷:龍騰網 HTTP://WWW.LTAAA.COM

  China’s reported decision to present Pakistan three Z-1商業地址0 attack helicopters as a “gift” this year has raised 租地址sus營業地址picions of ulterior motives, says Duowei News, a US-based Chinese political news outlet.

  多維地址出租新聞報道:中國決議將在本年贈予巴基斯坦3架 Z-公司登記10進犯直升機作為“禮品”,而這種贈予行為很是醉翁之意(多維新聞網是註冊於美國紐約的中文新聞網站)。

  Citing unconfirmed Russian media公司登記 reports, Duowei claims that although Pakistan had shown an interest purchasing the Z-10s, which are 設計ed by Russia’s Kamov Design Bureau under contract from Beijing, Ch商業地址ina decided to give the helicopters to its “closest friend” for free.
  The Z-10s, 設計ed primarily for anti-tank missions with secondary藍玉華在搖搖晃晃的轎子里挺直了背,深吸了一口氣,紅蓋頭下的眼睛變得堅定,她勇敢地直視前方,面向未來。 air-to-air capabilities, will reportedly be added to the Pakistan Army設立登記 aviation fleet and be deployed in the ongoing fight against terrori工商登記地址sm in the country. The helicopter is s設立登記aid to be capable of targeting the enemy in the air or on the ground with a range of 3-4 kilometers without appearing on radar.


  Some militar設立登記y experts have cast doubt on the effectiveness 公司註冊of the Z-租地址10 on counterterrorism operations, saying that its WZ-9 operation engine has relatively low power as well as a smaller payload and weaker defensive capabilities in comp營業地址arison to other attack helicopters.
  Even if the reports of the gift are true, Duowei said, the new Z-10 helicopters will only enhance營業地址 Pakistan’s position against India, which i營業登記s about to pair its domestically produced light combat helicopters with newly imported AH-64 Apache attack helicopters manufactured by Boeing. 設立公司Though there is still a sizable gap between the power systems of Z-10s and Apaches, the Chinese aircraft’s body 設計 and weapon system configurations are comparable to the world’s most advanced attack helicopters, especially because of the excellent performance of its TY-90 air-to-air missiles.
  For Chi商業登記na, the “gift” to Pakistan could serve as a gift for the give想到彩煥的下場,彩修渾身一顫,心驚膽戰,可是身為奴隸的她又能做什麼呢?只能更加謹慎地侍奉主人。萬一哪天,她不幸rs as well, as it might allow the PLA to see how the Z-10s perform in actual combat situations, providing valuable data for further research and development, Duowei said. China may have already been collecting information on its domestical商業地址ly produced weaponry acquired by Pakistan in recent years, including the MBT-3000 tank, the JF-17 Thunder combat aircraft and the F-22P general purpose frigate. The decision to make the Z-10s a gift instead of selling them could therefore stem from Pakistan’s limited defense budget and China’s relatively robust arms industry, Duowei added.







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